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Kavel 434 5 Rial, Beylik of tunis (Tunisia). Sultan Abdulmecid I (1839-1861). Year of coin : 1270. (1854)
Kavel 5 Rial, Beylik of tunis (Tunisia). Sultan Abdulmecid I (1839-1861). Year of coin : 1270. (1854)

5 Rial, Beylik of tunis (Tunisia). Sultan Abdulmecid I (1839-1861). Year of coin : 1270. (1854).

Taxatiewaarde € 200 - € 300
Veiling Sessie II - 25 maart 2025
Afmetingen Doorsnede 32 millimeter
Startbod € 200
Vorig kavel Volgend kavel